independent &. personal &. largely nonselective single muse page for Mother Silver of Mateus.
She/They. 58. Retired mercenary. ©
Please don't approach for RP if you or your character are under 21- I'm not at all comfortable with this, even if you're over 18. I also refuse to do anything even approaching suggestive with lalafel- sorry, this won't fly. It's also preferable that you ask before going for an RP intended to be anything beyond quick and casual!002.
Please don't just walk up and drop something inappropriate, especially not in public- wu/t ERP attempts won't go anywhere.
Content / Subjects
Heavier and darker hooks are okay, but I ask that boundaries of respected- please discuss anything of this nature beforehand. No non-con, nothing involving minors and absolutely no bigotry.004.
Style / Length / reply time
I'm fine with both shortform RP and longer, literate RP, though I very strongly prefer third-person writing. Give me a little wiggle room to reply- sometimes things needed to be attended to irl, I'm not ignoring you! If it's been a bit, though, feel free to nudge.
Lucille silver
But you can just call me mother.

full name.
Lucille Lyngwyb Silveralso known as.
Mother silver, mother, silver, luci to very of birth & age.
12th Sun, 6th Astral ( 58 )gender & pronouns.
femme leaning - she/theyorientation.
retired mercenary, occasionally muscle for
somewhere in la noscea.race.
roegadyn / hellsguard
steadfast, calm in crisis, motherly.
closed book, self-indulgent, heavy-handed.
As a young woman, Lucille fled from those who raised her in search of something greater, purpose beyond being married off for the sake of status, and a chance to free herself from the mould meant to shape her.
Work didn't come easy to a lady with no qualifications for higher-brow occupations and Lucille had no desire to be valued only for her physical assets- but a strong physique and deft hand with an axe aided her slip into vigilante mercenary work.Years of jobs for those of varying reputation and dozens upon dozens of tallies notched into her weapons' handles were enough for her to break into near true independence, and as youth faded she would lend her time to aiding those in need of a warm meal, a shoulder to lean on, or a guiding hand toward a safer future.Pocketfuls of coin are persuasive, however, and though she largely spends her idle hours indulging in the simple pleasures and charity, she isn't free of the call of her axe and arrow should the right cause and a pouch of gil be dropped into her lap.
Appearance, etc

muscular, but soft around the edges.height.
left golden-brown, right milky white.unique features.
some cosmetic scarification, a smattering of long-healed wounds. blind in her right eye with visible damage. mole below her lower lip, to the
greying. silver-white.
adoptive son. will not discuss others, has long ceased contact.vices.
known to indulge in drink and, occasionally, more illicit substances.beliefs.
vague religious leanings. dubious morality.aether?
some ability. limited echo. prefers to avoid teleportation if it can be helped.